I. General Statement

PRIVACY is a word that conjures up strong convictions and an emotional reaction from many of us. In the modern world, however, wondrous forms of electronic communication render the protection of privacy interests much more difficult. We in the university community are not immune from the lure of convenience and speed when we utilize our information technology and electronic communication tools. It is, of course, part of our mission to share knowledge and to collaborate within our academic community. In doing so, however, we must recognize that these modern devices are never completely secure. It is a fact of life that all computer systems and communication systems are the subject of constant probing by outsiders ranging from the curious to the criminal.

The University of AL-MUTHANNA / COLLEGE OF SCIENCE will endeavor to take reasonable precautions to maintain privacy and security within the sphere of operations. The University cannot guarantee that these efforts will always be successful and, therefore, users must assume the risk of a breach of University privacy and security systems. Individuals are advised to be discreet and cautious in their use of our systems. The University of AL-MUTHANNA / COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Privacy Guidelines are reviewed periodically and may be modified in the discretion of the University. These changes will be posted on this site.

II. Personal Information

The University of AL-MUTHANNA / COLLEGE OF SCIENCE recognizes and respects the importance of confidentiality and security of personal information in this increasingly open electronic age. The University does not intend to sell, swap, rent, or otherwise disclose for commercial purposes, outside the scope of ordinary University functions, your name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, or other information you provide. While the University makes reasonable efforts to protect information provided to us, we cannot guarantee that this information will remain secure and are not responsible for any loss or theft.

When an individual is connected to the University of AL-MUTHANNA / COLLEGE OF SCIENCE network or uses a University-owned computer, or other University-owned equipment, he/she agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the University (see the University Acceptable Use Policy incorporated herein by this reference). While the University of AL-MUTHANNA / COLLEGE OF SCIENCE respects the desire and need for privacy in this setting, the University reserves the right, at all times, to search any and all hardware or software owned by the University, or connected to the University network, for the purposes of preventing or investigating improper or illegal use of University systems, or preventing or investigating system problems or efficiencies. In the course of an individual’s involvement with the University community, software or third party systems that are used may require the individual to divulge private or personal information. The University is not responsible for the content, use or privacy of this information.

III. University Website(s)


When users visit the University of AL-MUTHANNA / COLLEGE OF SCIENCE website(s) , the webmaster collects information concerning their Internet connection, which pages they visit on the site, the Internet Protocol Number (IP) from which they accessed du.edu, and other general information about their visit to the website. (Information associated with an individual IP Number may be used for internal diagnostics and investigation of misconduct or security issues.) The collection of this information is intended to help the University deliver efficient and useful service and it may be used to analyze trends, create summary statistics for determining technical design specifications, and to otherwise aid in monitoring system performance. Such information is stored on a temporary basis and the University will exercise reasonable care to release it only if legally mandated by law enforcement investigators, required by court proceedings, or it is deemed necessary to internal investigations of violations of University rules and regulations. The University does not intend to sell, swap, rent, or otherwise disclose for commercial purposes, information regarding the behavior, habits, or demographics of those who visit University controlled websites. Certain parts of the University website(s) may require tracking techniques to follow the user’s progress through courses, materials or programs or to verify information acquired from other sources. The University provides links to websites outside the du.edu network and is not responsible for the content or privacy policies of any website to which it may link.